How do I send my Breastmilk/ Ashes/ Memorabilia?

Breastmilk-  Only 1 ounce is needed in order to make multiple stones

 Please do not send the last of your breastmilk. I have no control of the mailing system, and can not get your milk if the post office loses your milk. 

Double bag your milk in either milk storage bags or zip lock bag to prevent leaks

The milk you send will not be returned so please only send 1 ounce, if you send more it will be disposed of. 

Please place in either an envelope or small mailer, no boxes!

 Address to send to :  

Chasey Matherne 

PO Box 49 

Watson, La 70786

Ashes - Only 1 tsp is needed to create your jewelry  

Please double bag ashes to prevent leaks or holes in the bag 

Ashes left over will be returned with your new jewelry ! 

Please place in either an envelope or small mailer, no boxes!

Address to send to : 

Chasey Matherne 

PO Box 49 

Watson, La 70786

Cloth - Only 1 in by 1 in of the colors you want is needed 

This includes baby blankets, baby hats, loved one's clothing, etc. 

Please place in either an envelope or small mailer, no boxes!

Address to send to : 

Chasey Matherne 

PO Box 49 

Watson, La 70786

Flowers - Only 1 to 2 petals are need for large petals 3 to 4 petals for small petals 

Please do not send the whole floral arrangement. 

Dried or fresh flowers are fine they will be dried regardless. 

Please place in either an envelope or small mailer, no boxes!

Address to send to: 

Chasey Matherne 

PO Box 49 

Watson, La 70786

All other memorabilia please send to the following address: 

Please place in either an envelope or small mailer, no boxes!

Chasey Matherne 

PO Box 49 

Watson, La 70786